Often we have scenarios to send the reports after execution of scripts via scripting. Here is an example... Dim msg Set msg = CreateObject("CDO.Message") msg.From="abcd @gmail.com " msg.To="efgh @gmail.com " msg.Subject="Testing1 Sub" msg.TextBody="Testing1 Body" msg.AddAttachment("C:\\test.xls") msg.Send set msg=nothing msgbox "Finished" If you guys want to send with detailed things, Refer CDO.Message Object reference... Below lines are optional. But sometimes we need to add these lines to pass.... msg.Configuration.Fields.Item( " http://schemas.microsoft.com/ cdo/configuration/smtpserver ") =" smtp.gmail.com " msg.Configuration.Fields.Item( " http://schemas.microsoft.com/ cdo/configuration/ smtpserverport ")=25 msg.Configuration.Fields.Item( " http://schemas.microsoft.com/ cdo/configuration/sendusing ")= 2 msg.Configuration.Fields.Item( " http://schemas.microsoft...
Sharing ideas with automation testers and Enjoying the ride...