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Showing posts from March, 2016

Selenium - TestNG - Jenkins Integration

As current agile development process keep on expecting more testing with continuous integration stuff, I am going to give brief summary about how we can integrate the CI process with Jenkins. Pre-Requesties: 1. Your Selenium project 2. Your Selenium and TestNG lib locations 3. Jenkins installed. Ensure IIS in your machine installed and you can access Jenkins Dashboard using  http://localhost:8080/ Before creating a job under Jenkins, try to run your selenium tests from command line. Selenium - CommandLine: Let's say, you have project called SeleniumProject under C:\Eclipse folder. Assume you have all your JAR files (Selenium Jars, TestNG Jars, etc) under C:\Eclipse\JARs  folder. Now you can prepare your command. 1. Go to Project location cd "C:\Eclipse\SeleniumProject" 2. Execute your testng.xml suite by setting the requied class path. java -cp "bin;..\JARs\*" org.testng.TestNG testng.xml -cp means class path bin - bin path to look into cl...