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Showing posts from March, 2011

Selenium RC with Eclipse

Helpful Links:- How to setup Selenium RC with Eclipse:- ---------------------------------------- TestNG Eclipse Plug-In --------------------------- TestNG API:- ------------

TestNG with Eclipse

Helpful Links:- How to setup Selenium RC with Eclipse:- ---------------------------------------- TestNG Eclipse Plug-In --------------------------- TestNG API:- ------------

ActiveX OLE COM Objects used in Automation

Have listed some of the often used objects while automating using QTP and other tools... FileSystemObject - File system operations Scripting.Dictionary - Dictionary to store/read values in key-value pairs Excel.Application - Excel application Word.Application - Word application Wscript.Shell - Command prompt cdo.message - To send email AcroExch.PDDoc & AcroExch.App - PDF Access but need to be AdobeAcrobat installed. Microsoft.XMLDOM - To read/parse XML doc ADODB.Connection & ADODB.RecordSet - To connect/read/write database System.Collections.ArrayList - To create/read/write array lists InternetExplorer.Application - Internet Explorer browser Microsoft.XMLHTTP - HTTP to send request/get response Automation Object Models -QTP: 1. QuickTest.Application 2. QuickTest.TestLibaraies like for every Dialog in UI of QTP application which contains options that we can modify will have a AOM object. We can use that to handle in script dynamically Welcome all to sha...

Handling Dialogs in Selenium Automation

According to me Selenium is one of the best open source, free tool for testing web applications. It's quite powerful and gives you the facility to write down your test case in your favorite language ( from the plenty of languages it supports ). But it sucks when it comes to handle the dialogs. Dialog boxes are like ghosts to selenium, It can't even see them. That's because dialogs are native to the operating system you are running and selenium are designed to identify only web component. After searching too much on the Internet and other forums, I finally got the solution to all my problems. The solution is too simple. As you can't handle the dialog box through selenium, use the other software to do this. And AutoIT is best at this. Download Execuable (exe) to Handle Save Dialog of Firefox Download Execuable (exe) to Handle Save Dialog of Internet Explorer Download Execuable (exe) to Handle Authentication Dialog AutoIT Handling alertBox   AlertBox at Pa...

Handling PopupWindows, modal dialogs etc

If your  application  has a link or a button which opens a  new window , and you want to  perform  some action on the newly  opened window  though selenium, it's not that  hard to handle  if you have title, name or the variable associated with that window. However this is not the case always, sometime you don’t have name of the window or any variable associated with it, and you are not even able able to identify window using title, at the time selenium sucks to identify the window. However there are some alternative ways to resolve this (which might work, not sure). But before we see that let’s see  how to  select the windows that can be identified easily. Select window using SelectWindow API Title Name Variable Name (variable to which window is assigned) Inbuils APIs to retrieve Windows Names, Titles and IDs When SelectWindow API fails to Identify Window Select window using SelectWindow API Selenium provides the sel...