Have listed some of the often used objects while automating using QTP and other tools...
- FileSystemObject - File system operations
- Scripting.Dictionary - Dictionary to store/read values in key-value pairs
- Excel.Application - Excel application
- Word.Application - Word application
- Wscript.Shell - Command prompt
- cdo.message - To send email
- AcroExch.PDDoc & AcroExch.App - PDF Access but need to be AdobeAcrobat installed.
- Microsoft.XMLDOM - To read/parse XML doc
- ADODB.Connection & ADODB.RecordSet - To connect/read/write database
- System.Collections.ArrayList - To create/read/write array lists
- InternetExplorer.Application - Internet Explorer browser
- Microsoft.XMLHTTP - HTTP to send request/get response
Automation Object Models -QTP:
1. QuickTest.Application
2. QuickTest.TestLibaraies like for every Dialog in UI of QTP application which contains options that we can modify will have a AOM object. We can use that to handle in script dynamically
Welcome all to share objects like these. It will help a lot in automation....
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