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UFT - Take full page screenshot by scrolling the page

'This is navigate through the full page and taking individual screenshot of visible area
Function TakeScreenshot
 Dim intScrolls, intScroll, strScrollPos
 Set pgApp = Browser("").Page("")

 intScrolls = Round(pgApp.RunScript("document.documentElement.scrollHeight / (screen.height)"), 2)
 If intScrolls < 1 Then intScrolls = -1

 pgApp.RunScript "window.scrollTo(0, 0);"
 Wait 1
 Browser("").CaptureBitmap "C:\screenshot0.png", True
 For intScroll = 0 To intScrolls
  If Environment.Value("Browser") = "CHROME" Then
   strScrollPos = "scrollY"
   strScrollPos = "document.documentElement.scrollTop"
  End If
  If pgApp.RunScript("document.documentElement.scrollHeight - " & strScrollPos) > pgApp.RunScript("screen.height") Then  
   intY = pgApp.RunScript(strScrollPos & " + screen.height - 168;")
   pgApp.RunScript "window.scrollTo(0, " & intY & ");"
   Wait 1  
   Browser("").CaptureBitmap "screenshot" & (intScroll + 1) & ".png", True
  End If          
 'To merge the images to generate full page screenshot
 Call MergeImages
End Function

'This is to merge all individual images to one full page screenshot
Function MergeImages   
    Dim drawImage, grapImage, imgFormat, imgLayer, imgPT
    Set drawImage = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Drawing.Bitmap", "System.Drawing", 1920, 1050)
    drawImage.SetResolution 50, 45
    Set grapImage = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Drawing.Graphics").FromImage(drawImage)
    Set imgLayer = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Drawing.Bitmap", "System.Drawing", "C:\screenshot0.png")
    Set imgPT = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Drawing.Point", "System.Drawing", 0, 0)
    grapImage.DrawImage Layer1, pt1
    Set imgLayer = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Drawing.Bitmap", "System.Drawing", "C:\screenshot1.png")
    Set imgPT = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Drawing.Point", "System.Drawing", 0, 540)
    grapImage.DrawImageUnScaled Layer2, pt2
    Set imgFormat = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat", "System.Drawing", Nothing)
    drawImage.Save "finalScreenshot.png", format.PNG
End Function

This code is for UFT/VBScript and you can use the same logic by applying different APIs available for SELENIUM or any other tools.


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  3. Uft - Take Full Page Screenshot By Scrolling The Page >>>>> Download Now

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    Uft - Take Full Page Screenshot By Scrolling The Page >>>>> Download Full

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  4. this code works well for scrolling and taking screenshots however I am getting an error in the merge function for the line "grapImage.DrawImage Layer1, pt1"
    the error is external object System.Drawing.Graphics: DrawImage has thrown the following exception Ambiguous match found

    also the merge function only works if you have screenshot0 and screenshots1 (two scrolls) seems to me this function needs to have a for loop in case you have more than 2 screenshots

  5. super article


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