Hi all,
Here I want to share some information on "How to run selenium tests
in parallel using Grid".
1. Keep ready the tests
and TestNG.xml file by including tests to be run.
2. Launch the Grid using
"ant launch-hub"
3. Then, launch how many
RC instances you want to run on different environments like, "ant
1. You should use
parameter -DhubURL=yourHubURL. Here yourHubURL is
the machine address in which you launched Grid Hub.
2. then you can use
parameters -Dport, -Denvironment, -Dhost to launch different RCs.
4. So now, Hub and RC
instances are running. To see the running instances, goto http://localhost:4444/console
5. After this, you have
to make test multiplication for the purpose of making each instance to run a
test.Because all instances will not share a single test.
So make the testng.xml file as below. I have a test
<suite name="Suite1" parallel="tests"
<test name="TestPlans1" preserve-order="false"
<parameter name="Browser" value="*firefox">
<class name="TestPlans.TestPlan_1">
This is my actual XML file. But I created this copy with another test
name inside only my browser is changed. So it will run separately on different
specified browsers.
<test name="TestPlans2" preserve-order="false"
<parameter name="Browser" value="*iehta">
<include name="TestCase_2"/>
6. Now go and Run the TestNG test from Eclipse. Thats all.
Also you can refer for details here. SeleniumGrid
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